Sunday, October 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Alex

We had a wonderful day celebrating Alex's birth this day 10 years ago. We really celebrated all week long as we went to Nashville and David Crockett State Park earlier in the week. I had to see if I could motorhome solo with the kids for some traveling future adventures, so we went nearby for a couple of days, Alex officially turned 10 over a waffle in the campground. For his big party he likes to have he devised a celebration with food, potions, bobbing in a dry ice bubbling cauldron and a bonfire. I want to send a thank you to all who came, sent him cards and gave him gifts. Everyone knew what would make him shine and smile...thank you! He was truly wowed and felt smothered in love. It was a special time to mark his first decade. These are ten potion bottles that were left on the deck the next morning. Emma had helped create names for all the ingredients from their wizardology book. We had various spices glitter and other ingredients disguised as: wool and blood of bat, pixie tears, toe of frog, ground unicorn horn, eye of newt, scale of dragon, screech owl essence, dragon's blood, tooth of wolf, oil of basilisk, tongue of dog, etc. Alex had been collecting the bottles and cleaning them off from the recycling bins outside the little green store for a few weeks. Thank you Maggie and Mom for your help in making the delicious green Cauldron Chicken Curry, that was the best soup I have had/made in a while. We can't believe we have ten year old and such a special person, too, in our lives. We love you SUN! Pictures from the events
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